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Qardio Launches Turnkey RPM Service for Healthcare Professionals

As global leaders in digital health technology, we are proud to announce the launch of our groundbreaking turnkey RPM service for healthcare professionals, a full-service remote physiologic monitoring program. 

This comprehensive solution revolutionizes how doctors and caregivers remotely monitor their patient’s health, offering convenience, accuracy, and improved health outcomes. This service streamlines the real-time monitoring process by seamlessly collecting and transmitting vital health data such as blood pressure, heart rate, weight, and ECGs. All the while, patient data and compliance are monitored through Qardio under the supervision of the prescribing medical provider. 

With no set-up cost, Qardio also handles all device set-up, support, shipping, and logistics from beginning to end. With advanced analytics and decision support tools, healthcare professionals can gain valuable insights and make informed decisions to provide personalized care. 

Overall, QardioDirect allows for better care, healthier patients, time saved, happier staff and patients and efficient work. Qardio’s turnkey RPM service sets a new standard in remote patient monitoring, empowering healthcare professionals to deliver exceptional care regardless of location.

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